Thursday, December 2, 2010


In the words of the great philosopher Heraclitus: "change is the on constant" or "nothing is unchanging except change". Boy have I realized this over the past several years. If I think back four years ago I was a single, college student making minimum wage and working 3 jobs to get by. Flash forward a few years and I am married, have two kids, a house, I finished school and now I'm at a new church...I feel that my life is the living definition of "change". While I used to fear and loathe change (moving 8 times in 11 years can have that affect on a person), however the longer I've lived in the light of the Cross and the more I understand and practice faith and discerning the voice of God, the more comfortable I am with change.

In case this is news to the reader, check here. I recently resigned from the Desert Vineyard in order to take a job at Horizon Community Church in East Palmdale because Jaimie is working there and I felt a clear directing for us to be together. So far I have only worked two official days there, but so far it is feeling like home. I love the people, the vision, the location...I totally believe that God has led (or driven) me there. I don't feel free to divulge all of the details yet, but at the risk of sounding cryptic I will simply say that there have been divine encounters with big red signs pointing in this direction.

While telling the students at DVY I was leave has been one of the hardest things I've ever done, I haven't been emotional or nostalgic nor have I felt a sense of remorse or regret. I can only attribute this to the fact that God is the driving wind in my sails. If this was a move of uncertainty or frustration it would be froth with heartache - after all I am a fairly sentimental person and leaving a church I've spent what seems like my entire life in is a situation that would warrant nostalgia. So I write this simply to stay...I feel the peace of God in my life in a new way...a way previously inexperienced. When following the will of the Lord through faith is the guiding force in your life, uncomfortable situations turn into opportunities for adventure and experience.